

织 was created at an institution by 高等教育 像你一样的专业人士. 我们在校园里使用织, and we understand the unique challenges facing institutions, 项目, 教师, 和工作人员. In other words, we’ve been in your shoes.

We’re not just another 软件 company. 我们是充满激情的伙伴, 致力于帮助您最大限度地利用您的评估和fun88乐天使.

Our mission is to improve student learning through 评估 我们通过提供 软件 solutions and expertise for institutional and programmatic effectiveness.

我们的方法是提供强大的软件解决方案,为您的工作带来价值,而不是复杂性. With technology costs in 高等教育 exploding, we’re committed to providing the most user-friendly 软件 on the market at a cost any size institution can afford.

You shouldn’t have to choose between affordability and quality – and it’s our mission to ensure that you never have to.

See why 500+ institutions use 织 to streamline their accreditation, 评估 以及fun88乐天使流程,并改善每个人的评估体验.


After 12 years of consistent leadership, our team is still comprised of practitioners from institutions. We’re a values-driven team of educators, 管理员, 还有技术人员——他们都致力于简化机构效率的管理.


首席执行官 & 总统

Amy has worked in 高等教育 for over two decades. First serving as 教师 and then assistant academic dean, Dr. Dykens’ research interests include curriculum mapping, 高影响力的教育实践, 学习评估, 以及制度效率. 2012年加入织, 她曾协助数百个机构将最佳做法应用于机构效率工作. 作为产品副总裁, 从2016年开始, she oversaw the modernization of the 织 platform, including a focus on curriculum mapping, 因为她相信地图是成功的以学习为中心的课程和评估的基础.

雪莉,Popp来说雪莉,Popp来说, EdD

Senior Director, Professional Development & 授信人的策略

Sheri spent eight years serving as an Associate Dean for 评估 and Institutional Effectiveness at a small college, where 织 played an important part in the 评估 program. 在那之前, she spent 14 years as a K-12 classroom teacher. She is passionate about sound educational practices, including 评估 that allows institutions to improve student learning while meeting accreditation requirements.



As the Director of Institutional Effectiveness at a SUNY school, Jen’s valuable knowledge shapes the 织 user experience. Since joining the team in 2012 Jen has led over 150 institutions in using 织 and has turned their feedback into action through perfecting the interface and functionality of 织.



贝丝Ardner is a self-professed learning and data geek. She has been helping colleges and universities meet and exceed their goals for teaching and assessing essential skills since 2015. 在那之前, 贝丝帮助世界各地的大学将研究资源和技能嵌入图书馆和教室. 在她空闲的时候, she enjoys getting lost in a good book, 烘焙, and moonlighting as an aspiring novelist.



Terra has spent her career working in 高等教育. She served three years in student services at a medical sciences university. 在那之前, she worked three years in enrollment services at a small college where she was able to assist in tracking enrollment trends to evaluate and develop new practices. She is passionate about the opportunity to serve institutions in discovering ways 织 can best work for each of their unique needs.



With over 15 years of programming and development experience, Vag is a critical part of 织’s 软件. His skill for creating attractive and intuitive interface that is also powerful for institutions has helped thousands of users in their IE work. 他在预测最终用户体验和创建高效且易于使用的工作流程方面具有诀窍.



Contributing to 高等教育 for ten years, Jordan spent her first five years in 评估 working with 教师 和工作人员 to create meaningful 评估 plans and supporting the institution in best telling their story. She continues that same great work as part of the 织团队, 协助来自数百个机构的评估和fun88乐天使领导人的倡议. 她的热情包括评估、fun88乐天使、卓越服务和社区建设.



Jeremy has been an educator in the classroom for the past 13 years. 他在定制信息以适应独特的个人需求的艺术和科学方面很有经验. 他很高兴能带来他在课程开发方面的经验和知识, implementation and 评估 to the 织团队. Jeremy致力于让每个用户的体验变得简单实用. 在业余时间,他喜欢露营和教瑜伽,以增强身心和社区.



Laura is an information professional with over ten years’ experience. 她倡导网络可访问性,喜欢帮助机构满足他们的合规需求. Laura has written extensively on accessibility in 高等教育 and loves bringing that passion to information security at 织.

Carissa Johnson,教育学博士


Carissa的职业生涯一直在高等教育机构担任各种职务. 她与教师和学生一起工作的经历激发了她对技术的热情, 学生支持, and assisting institutions with accessible ways to create seamless learning experiences through learning management systems and portals.

Kelsey KirlandKelsey Kirland


Kelsey spent five years serving as an Associate Director for 评估 and Institutional Effectiveness at a large research university. 在此之前,她花了五年时间为一个多机构合作项目进行评估. 她热衷于与教师合作,简化评估和fun88乐天使流程.



拥有超过16年的设计经验,Brian在我们的解决方案中改善了织的体验. He is involved in working with 高等教育 professionals on how 织 can solve challenges of IE work through an intuitive interface. His creative perspective ensures that 织 users navigate through best-practice workflows flexible for any type of institution.



George是一位热心的开发人员. His passions include exploring new technologies and innovative solutions while staying current with the latest trends and advancements in the field. George对织的贡献为会员提供了现代和直观的用户体验.



丹•鲍威尔拥有超过25年的创业、管理、架构和开发经验. He has spent most of his career solving large-scale data problems, focusing on high-volume data processing, 网络和移动系统.



Victor has a long track record of excellent customer service experience at two large companies prior to joining 织 in 2018. He strives to give the most accurate and professional service possible through thoughtful questions and careful listening.



Sandy has worked in education for over 10 years. 曾任机构研究主任及助理教授. 西登斯的研究兴趣包括评估和制度有效性. 她热衷于高等教育中的高影响力教育实践, 包括在提高学生学习成果的同时满足fun88乐天使机构要求的方法.



Senior Director, Business Administration and Human Resources

Matt has been with 织 for 15 years and uses his background as an Assistant Director of Admissions to assist our team and customers in our business office. With a degree in 写作 and graphic design, Matt is also an important part of the events and marketing teams at 织.

M Velonakis迈克Velonakis

用户体验/ UI开发人员

Mike has a long experience in front end development in various industries. 他喜欢有条不紊、前后一致的工作方式,总是把最好的用户体验放在心上. His perception of the workflow of each part of the project and the attention to detail helps users maintain an excellent user experience.


BiscotteDr. Stephen Biscotte博士


Dr. Biscotte has devoted much of his professional research to general education. 他曾做过各种演讲,并主持了有关创新结构的讲习班, 大学改革努力, and program evaluation both locally and nationally. 在弗吉尼亚理工大学任职之前, for 10 years he taught high school courses in anatomy and physiology, 生物学, 和物理科学.

Kelsey Kirland


Kelsey spent five years serving as an Associate Director for 评估 and Institutional Effectiveness at a large research university. 在此之前,她花了五年时间为一个多机构合作项目进行评估. 她热衷于与教师合作,简化评估和fun88乐天使流程.

Dr. 约瑟夫·D. Levy EdD

AVP of fun88乐天使 and Quality Improvement,

Experienced with multiple institutional types’ 评估 efforts, Dr. 约瑟夫·D. Levy是学生事务评估领导(SAAL)董事会成员, leads the Applying and Leading 评估 in Student Affairs open course, 并且是国家学习成果评估研究所(NILOA)的认可演讲者. Joe earned a BA in English from Baldwin-Wallace College, an MS in Student Affairs in Higher Education from Colorado State University, 和他的Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership from National Louis University.

Anthony Marziliano, MS

Director for Academic 评估, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences,
St. 约翰的大学

With 10+ years of 高等教育 评估 experience, 安东尼管理所有的评估工作流程,并领导奖学金和出版工作. His research includes 高等教育 评估, qualitative methods for improved student learning, 目标实现和结果, and quantitative statistical analysis of student learning.

Dr. 克里斯汀·麦金太尔博士

Professor | Provost’s Faculty Associate in 评估
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

克里斯汀一个. 麦金太尔(Ph值.D., North Dakota State University) is a full professor in the 应用传播系 在小石城的阿肯色大学任职,并担任教务长的评估助理. 她指导ACOM 1300:传播导论课程以及 UA-Little Rock Communication Skills Center.


Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness,

Ms. Row works closely with department chairs and division directors to create 评估 plans that allow 教师 和工作人员 to evaluate and present their work for many purposes other than accreditation.

美国裴瑞兹Dr. 蒂莎·帕雷德斯博士


Dr. 帕雷德斯于2005年开始在IE办公室担任研究生助理,并在那里担任过几个职位. 在她以前的角色中, she worked closely with 教师 和工作人员 in creating 评估 plans and reports as well as monitoring SACSCOC standards for the institution. Tisha is an experienced presenter, consultant, and author.

雪莉,Popp来说Dr. 雪莉,Popp来说, EdD

Senior Director, Professional Development

Sheri spent eight years serving as an Associate Dean for 评估 and Institutional Effectiveness at a small college, where 织 played an important part in the 评估 program. 在那之前, she spent 14 years as a K-12 classroom teacher. She is passionate about sound educational practices, including 评估 that allows institutions to improve student learning while meeting accreditation requirements.

雷·范·戴克Dr. 雷·范·戴克,EdD


Ray是一名IE专家,在机构研究领域拥有数十年的实践经验, 计划及评估. He was the founding Director of 织学院.



琳达Suskie is an internationally recognized consultant, 作家, 演讲者, 和教育家在广泛的高等教育评估和fun88乐天使的主题. 她的著作包括 Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide, one of the best-selling books on 评估 in 高等教育, and 质量的五个方面:fun88乐天使和问责的常识指南.

琳达在中部州高等教育委员会做了七年的副主席. Her 高等教育 experience includes work in 评估, 制度研究, 战略规划, 质量管理.

Linda has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in 评估, 教育研究方法, 写作, 统计数据, 发展数学. She holds a bachelor’s degree in quantitative studies from Johns Hopkins University and a master’s in educational measurement and 统计数据 from the University of Iowa.


Director, Social Science Research Center,

Dr. 檀西·范德卡尔-伯丁是老道明大学社会科学研究中心(SSRC)的主任. She has been with the SSRC since its inception in 1998. 她有超过20年的调查研究经验(包括电话调查), 邮件, and web surveys) as well as conducting focus groups and interviews. She works with 教师 and other research partners to support their research and data collection needs and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the SSRC’s operations, 同时担任大多数SSRC项目的项目经理或首席研究员. She has taught undergraduate courses in criminal justice and graduate courses in public policy and survey research. She has managed survey research and other evaluation activities on a variety of topics including: 项目/services for university and community college STEM/cybersecurity students, awareness of campus suicide prevention resources, 弗吉尼亚州和新罕布什尔州对精神健康和药物滥用服务的看法, general quality of life in southeast Virginia, 以及弗吉尼亚州接受早期干预服务的家庭的经历. Dr. Vandecar-Burdin also serves as the chair of the ODU Institutional Review Board and is a member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), the American Evaluation Association (AEA), and the Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations (AASRO).



Continuous improvement is in our DNA. 这就是我们.

自2006年成立以来, 织一直致力于不懈的追求,不断改进. Over the years, we have continued to evolve our solutions and capabilities.



WEAVEonline was born on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. A team of dedicated 评估 professionals decided to develop a Web-based technology solution to solve the difficult challenges in academic 评估.


织开始设计和开发一个综合性的机构平台. 该框架在布莱克斯堡弗吉尼亚理工大学举行的织 Connections评估会议上发布, VA.

我们结合了两个世界的精华,回归了我们的根源和名字织. After more than a decade and 500+ members, 织 is currently offering its fourth generation of 软件 applications designed by a team of educational professionals with years of on-campus experiences.


We understand that 软件 alone isn’t enough to improve outcomes. Our goal is to bring people together both within their existing communities and as part of a larger 织 community. This extended community is comprised of 评估 and planning professionals from colleges and universities from around the world who share best practices, 提示, 互相建议.

我们很幸运能在这样一个领域工作,我们软件的用户可以与我们分享他们的想法. It enables us to continuously improve our tools for everyone. 作为 织团队,我们的工作是保持这种反馈文化,帮助我们更好地为织用户家庭服务.